For dental nurses

The SAAD National Course in Conscious Sedation for Dental Nurses covers the underpinning knowledge and clinical skills required for the safe provision of conscious sedation in dental practice. The teaching faculty are the UK’s most experienced dental sedation teachers.

It is an excellent introduction to conscious sedation for 'New Starters' and a comprehensive refresher for practitioners wishing to ensure they remain up-to-date with sedation techniques and recommendations on best practice.

The programme is regularly updated in order to meet the changing needs of practitioners in general dental practice, Community Dental Shrive and hospital environments.

Course Content

Explain the principals of safe and effective conscious sedation

Describe patient assessment and treatment planning

Recognise potential airway and breathing difficulties

Understand the significance of medical problems, including medication

Describe the administration of sedation, monitoring, recovery & discharge

Describe the recognition and management of sedation-related complications

Be aware of National guidance on conscious sedation

Why choose this course

    • Be taught by the UK's most experienced teachers of conscious sedation for dentistry
    • Theoretical and practical instruction in all aspects of conscious sedation
    • Discussion of behavioural and advanced techniques
    • SAAD course handbook covering all aspects of the SAAD National Course
    • Plentiful opportunities for individual questions and discussion with faculty members, all with extensive personal experience of your branch of dentistry and the range of patients you treat
    • A certificate of attendance is awarded at the end of the course
    • This is a rewarding course, which is both educational and fun


Reserve your place on the SAAD National Course!


SAAD offers three National Courses each year, two in-person courses and one in a blended format (one day online and one day in person)



£400 (blended) or £550 (in person)

If you are a new starter you will need to register to attend the SAAD National Course plus enrol for the SASN scheme.